Cancellation Policy –

A cancellation fee may apply for non-attendances/missed appointments or late cancellations ( less than 2 hours prior to your booked appointment).

The cancellation fee is $30 per 15 minutes appointment and the appropriate invoice will be sent – it may not be possible to make further appointments with our surgery until the fee has been paid.

This policy is necessary on account of the financial loss to the practice incurred by patient non-attendances and more importantly, the loss of opportunity for other patients requiring medical attention to see the doctor.

We understand that unforeseen circumstances do occur, and hence encourage that patients telephone the surgery as soon as is possible should unpredictable events arise to prevent attendance.

In an emergency, the ambulance can be contacted on 000.

When the surgery is closed, you can contact our Locum Service on Telephone: (02) 8724 6300. We are notified of such calls within 48 hours and medical details are entered into your records for reference and continuity.

Appointments are preferred. It is advisable that you telephone the receptionist in advance to make an appointment with the doctor or at the time or your choice. Urgent medical problems will be dealt with promptly.

Appointments are normally made at fifteen minute intervals. If you need more time with the doctor, please tell the receptionist when you make your appointment.

We try hard to see you on time but appreciate your understanding if there have been emergencies or if the surgery is very busy. If your doctor is unavailable, please feel free to see any of the other doctors at the surgery. None of us will be offended by this.

This practice provides Family Planning and Contraception advice. Please feel free to discuss this with your doctor.
High blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes may increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes. We recommend that all adults have their blood pressure checked at least once a year or more often if it has ever been raised.

It is also advisable that your blood cholesterol and fasting glucose be checked in order that you may take steps to reduce it if necessary.

You are welcome to discuss this with your doctor in order to determine your individual cardiovascular risk profile.

Shared antenatal care with Royal Prince Alfred (RPA) Hospital and Canterbury Hospital is available at the surgery for pregnant women, allowing you to see the GP in this surgery for most of your antenatal visits.

This enables you to avoid long delays that can occur at the hospital clinic or birth centre. You need to visit the hospital on a few occasions only, for specific tests and review.

If you are pregnant, or are planning to have a pregnancy in the near future, please feel free to discuss this with your doctor.

Smear tests are screening tests for women involving an examination of the cervix (neck of the womb). Sample cells are removed from the cervix to check for changes which occur prior to cancer developing. These changes can be treated and cancer prevented.
Pathology tests (including blood tests and Pap smears) can be performed at the surgery by your doctor, who may also arrange for a referral for you to attend the local laboratory for this to be performed if considered appropriate. Please discuss this with your doctor during your consultation.
We believe that problems are best dealt with in the practice. If you re concerned about any aspect of our service, we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to discuss any problems you may have.

Alternatively you may prefer to contact:
Health Care Complaints Commission,
Locked Bag 18, Strawberry Hills
NSW 2012
Phone: (02) 9219 7444

It is normal requirement that patients see their doctor for repeat prescriptions so as to enable us to supervise continuity of treatment. For routine prescription ‘pick up’ when a consultation is not desired, a $10 to $20 fee applies.
Recommended on at least an annual basis, especially for people with fair skin and a history of excessive sun exposure. Early diagnosis is important for any unusual changes or growths, as skin cancer is easily treatable in the early stages.

Cryotherapy, diathermy and minor surgical procedures including sutures of lacerations are performed in this surgery when considered appropriate by your doctor.

Appointment times are generally available until 30mins before closing.

Monday to Thursday – 8.30am – 7.00pm
Friday 8.30am – 6.00pm
Saturday 8.30am – lunchtime

The surgery provides Telehealth consultations via video calls. Please make telehealth appointments with the receptionist.

We will take phone calls relating to your health. If the doctor is seeing patients when you call, he or she may need to call you back. Please appreciate that it is often not possible to make accurate diagnoses over the telephone and that your doctor may require your attendance for examination prior to giving necessary medical advice.

We do not provide consultations via email or text/SMS.

Please note that usually no pathology results can be given out by reception staff over the phone. We feel that most results are best given during a consultation in order to allow for appropriate discussion of their implications.
Tetanus is a life threatening disease characterised by muscular rigidity and agonising contractions. It is fortunately fairly rare, mainly because of vaccination. If you think that your immunity has lapsed, please make an appointment with one of the doctors.
If you are travelling overseas, you may need extra vaccinations. For adequate protection, we advise you to see your Doctor at least four weeks before your departure.
Childrens immunisations are strongly encouraged. The department of Health requires all children starting school to produce a certificate stating all childhood immunisations completed to date.

Vaccines provide high levels of protection against a number of potentially serious diseases, with the benefits of disease prevention outweighing the risks of immunisation.

All vaccines recommended in the standard Childhood Vaccination Schedule are available at the surgery.